With these 90 degree days, it’s hard to believe that fall is on its way; but, trust us, folks, September and October are just around the corner!
Before you know it, you’ll be replacing your box fans with space heaters, and trying to remember how to program your thermostat so your house isn’t freezing when you get back from work.
But before you fully embrace the cooler weather, don’t forget to prep your heating system for the fall and winter!
1. Change your air filters
You should be changing your air filters every few months – but especially when the seasons are changing. This is a very simple job that you can do yourself; but if you have any questions, you can always contact your friendly neighborhood HVAC techs. *waves*
2. Invest in a professional tune up
Before the cold really kicks in, make sure you call your HVAC professional and schedule a routine checkup for your system. They’ll be able to catch any issues you may have missed, such as leaky duct work or issues with the ignition control.
3. Seal your windows
Make sure you seal your windows with caulk or weatherstripping in order to keep the winter air from leaking into your home. If your windows aren’t properly insulated, you will never be able to heat your home efficiently.
4. Make sure your heating vents aren’t blocked
When you’re not using your furnace or central heating system, it’s easy to forget about those floor and wall vents. Before you start using your heater this fall, make sure you move any furniture that may be in the way of the vents, thereby obstructing the flow of air.
Do you need help preparing your home for the coming winter? Taylor Heating and A/C is a family business, serving the entire South Sound region throughout all kinds of weather. Give us a call today – we’re happy to help!