With the summer months approaching fast, now is the perfect time to schedule an AC tune-up with a reputable HVAC company. Nobody wants the hassle of throwing a party, only to find that your air conditioner isn’t working properly. Air conditioners are an invaluable component of any home or office; particularly in the summertime, we appreciate a properly maintained AC unit. It may not be on the top of your “things to ponder” list—we get it, but taking a minute to make a call and secure a tune-up appointment with an HVAC specialist is the way to go. With much warmer weather around the bend, the sooner you act, the better.
Read on to learn more about the benefits of getting an AC tune-up on your calendar!
More Money for Beer & BBQing
Investing in regular air conditioning check-ups and ongoing maintenance saves your family’s hard-earned cash over time. Waiting until things go wrong is a surefire way to let AC components fall into disrepair, guaranteeing that you’ll need costly repairs and possibly have to replace your entire HVAC system. If you’d like to set aside more money to buy things like beer, snacks, and bbq ingredients for your loved ones this summer, we suggest you get on a regular maintenance plan immediately.
Maintaining Your Family’s Comfort
Are you dreading the moment when your overheated, irritable family members are tossing and turning in their hot, stuffy bedrooms, not speaking to you? Ever heard of the expression “Happy wife, happy life”? Seasoned HVAC technicians can help ensure that your AC unit is running in tip-top shape, keeping your loved ones cool and fresh all summer long. Let’s face it, we all get a little cranky when it’s hot and humid out, only to come home to a hot and stuffy house after a long day at work. Let’s help you keep your entire family happy this summer.
Tune-Ups Extend the Life of Your AC Unit
Think of it this way, if your sports car sits in the garage neglected all Fall, Winter, and Spring, come Summer, it might not start. If it does, it probably won’t run smoothly and you’ll need to spend more money on getting it road-ready. The same thing applies when it comes to air conditioning units. A clean, properly maintained AC setup is sure to run effectively and efficiently and can last 15-20 years, just like a car. The moral of the story? Don’t neglect your air conditioner or your car—they’re both big investments worthy of some care and preventative maintenance.
At Taylor Heating & AC, we offer a variety of innovative cooling services in the Greater Puget Sound region that will help you lower your bills and maximize your home’s comfort. Our highly trained professionals can provide preventative maintenance and repairs for your current cooling units, or recommend and install the perfect new system for your home.