Window AC Units Versus Central AC

While you might not be losing sleep over whether or not to install central air conditioning, it could be a topic worth discussing. Your existing wall units might be doing the trick if you live in a small space, but larger homes and offices tend to benefit from central AC. Read on to learn a bit more about the pros and cons of both options.

Central air conditioning cools multiple rooms at once through a system involving numerous thermostats and vents. This allows for specific rooms to have their own consistent temperature settings while conserving energy. At the end of the day, central air is a no-brainer; it keeps your family cool while maintaining safe indoor air quality. 

Filtering indoor air helps alleviate suffering for individuals dealing with seasonal allergies, as air filters trap dust, pollen, and pet dander. Up to date HVAC systems have added health benefits such as dehumidifiers and micro-particle filters, which give you peace of mind while providing additional comfort for your loved ones.

While it may seem like you’re spending a large sum of money upfront when converting to an HVAC system, you’ll wind up saving money down the line. Sure, you could run out and add a new wall or window unit to a stuffy, humid, hot house, but these units don’t guarantee accurate custom temperature settings. Wall AC units may have a temperature dial, but only a professionally installed central air conditioning system allows for true room-by-room indoor climate customization. 

Wall and window units can also be an eyesore, particularly if you’re shoving insulation such as cloth and cardboard in-between the wall/window trim and the unit itself. Window and wall units often leak, so you wind up having to spend more on monthly energy bills to keep a space cool during hot summer months. Lastly, they can be terribly noisy, particularly for the light sleepers in your house—something else to consider when choosing between central or window/wall air conditioning. 

In the long run, it’s less expensive to cool large spaces via central air conditioning. For example, if you were to buy enough units to cool 6 rooms at once, you’d already have the downpayment for a professionally installed HVAC setup. Central air is an energy-efficient, cost effective way to keep indoor air cool, clean, and fresh. Plus, it’s basically invisible, allowing for a nice streamlined look at your home or office. No duct tape or old t-shirts needed!

If you have questions about cooling your home this summer with an energy-efficient HVAC system, contact Taylor. Our team of certified HVAC technicians is always happy to answer your questions. 

Feel free to text: 253-785-9194, or email: Taylor Heating & AC was founded in 1984 and has been serving Puyallup, Graham, Eatonville, Spanaway, Fircrest, Tacoma, and surrounding areas. We look forward to helping you with all of your heating and cooling needs!

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