Why Is Spring the Best Time to Replace Your HVAC System

Washington Springs are moderately cold but relatively mild compared to winter. Spring sets the perfect atmosphere for conducting major changes to your home’s fixtures.

Stable temperatures and fair weather are ideal for working outdoors, making spring prime time for various HVAC maintenance services. Working on your HVAC systems at any other time may leave them open to hazardous exposure.

HVAC contractors often clean out heaters and boost cooling systems during spring. After all, protecting equipment against pollen is easier than fending off snow or sweltering temperatures.

If you want to repair or replace your HVAC system, this spring may be the perfect time! 

What Makes Spring the Best Time for HVAC Installations?

Long-lasting and reliable HVAC systems begin with their installation. Replacing your HVAC system during unstable weather conditions may compromise its foundation.

Spring temperatures are stable, with lighter snow and less precipitation. Outdoor conditions in springtime are typically tolerable, making various activities more manageable.

The performance of your HVAC system is rooted in the condition of each of its components and the quality of their integration. Separate elements performing individual tasks require stable connections to work cohesively and deliver critical functions.

Remember to ensure each HVAC unit is meticulously installed if you want quality and reliability.

Can I Still Conduct HVAC Installations Before or After Spring?

You can enlist HVAC services whenever needed; the sooner, the better.

However, spring is a versatile season for all kinds of HVAC services. In one season, you may conduct maintenance tasks to properly shut down heaters and boot up cooling systems.

It is a convenient time for replacing worn-down heating systems after their last hoorah in winter. Springtime also poses a viable time for integrating a new cooling system before summer.

Why Winter Isn’t a Good Time for HVAC Installations in Puyallup

Opting for clearer weather instead of settling for winter prevents frozen particles from forming within your HVAC systems. Snow is an obvious hazard most homeowners avoid when tinkering around outdoor units.

However, snow isn’t the only threat winters pose. Blistering winter temperatures are low enough to cause frost and freeze components. 

They may also be cold enough to drive technicians indoors, leaving behind their compromised and unfinished efforts.

Why Summer Isn’t Any Better for HVAC Installations in Puyallup

Summer isn’t any better for handling HVAC units. Hotter temperatures and direct sunlight don’t make viable alternatives. Too much heat may compromise various elements, including the attention and patience of some technicians.

HVAC systems are designed with mostly heat-resistant material. Still, external components may absorb too much heat, causing expansion and corrosion.

Overheating doesn’t only compromise quality and fitting. It may even lead to mechanical malfunction later, especially when technicians handling the installation rush their job to avoid heat exposure.

Are There Any Risks Against Enlisting Springtime Services?

While spring is the best time for HVAC replacement, it still poses its own threats. Spring is abundant with airborne particles. 

Particle pollution is at an all-time high in spring. Various pollutants are blowing through the air, causing allergies, settling on fixtures, and infiltrating mechanisms.

If we aren’t careful, pollutants may end up saturating our HVAC components. Clogged or contaminated units may hinder functions and hasten equipment lifespan.

If unwary technicians allow them into your HVAC’s internal systems, you may suffer from year-round allergies indoors. However, allergies aren’t the worst hazards that may creep into your HVAC systems.

What Are the Most Common Airborne Particles in Puyallup During Spring?

Various particles are circulating in the air outdoors. Some particles pose mild risks, annoying most homeowners. However, most nuisances can be resolved quickly.

You may remedy rhinitis and milder asthma with over-the-counter remedies. You may also call for minor repairs and other maintenance efforts to fix negligible HVAC issues.

Still, larger threats are floating around outdoors. These significant threats may have made their way into your HVAC systems during installation. 

Pathogens and other microorganisms may be lurking within, waiting to invade your indoor spaces. It won’t take long for mold-contaminated installations to overwhelm entire systems.

Below you will find more about spring’s most common pollutants and why you should avoid getting them into your HVAC systems.


Pollen is relatively harmless. They are anemophilous and spread through the air quickly.

Pollen particles are microscopic and practically weightless, making them more aerodynamic than most pollutants. Its hard-to-spot qualities help them get around undetected.

Pollen clusters are vibrant with a powder-like consistency and are easy to spot. Dry pollen doesn’t cluster and is easy to dust off your unit. It can also be blown or vacuumed out of internal systems.

Still, they can induce clogs, hinder components, and spread through your ducting system. Being indoors may trigger your allergies just as much as being outdoors.

However, spring has high humidity levels. Damp clusters are harder to clear and more hazardous to your HVAC system.

Humidity attracts various pollutants to settle within your HVAC units upon installation—while dry pollen settles within your HVAC installations, humidity dampens particles, hardening clusters.

Installers must be vigilant against these pollutants to prevent them from getting into your HVAC units. Experienced contractors have special equipment to protect installations from exposure or gathering pollutants.


Like pollen, dander doesn’t threaten your health or HVAC systems significantly. However, they pose more significant hazards under the right circumstances.

Unlike pollen, dander comes from animals. They originate from our four-legged housemates, who shed even more in spring.

Thanks to the humidity and all the additional allergens, even our furry friends suffer irritation. You might notice them itching, rolling around, and rubbing up on furniture for relief.

Our pets satiating their irritation may cause more for us by spreading dander all over the house! Unlike pollen, clustering dander is much harder to spot. Too many of them may settle within air ducts and handlers before anyone notices.

Inexperienced technicians may prefer the company of your pets while they work. However, reputable contractors know better than to let tail-wagging hazards anywhere near their work area.

Mold and Mildew

Pollen, dander, dust, and dirt are all easily avoidable pollutants. HVAC systems harboring particles are less likely to break down and suffer from long-term issues.

Springtime humidity levels and windy conditions promote mold spores. Spores can attach themselves to different areas during installation and remain hidden until months later.

Pathogens contaminating your HVAC units are much harder to resolve. A mold infestation can be costly and spreads more quickly than other contaminants.

Mold remediation is expensive and takes months to complete. Leaving any residue behind can revive colonies and make you relive the costly long-drawn-out nightmare.

While mold and mildew are abundant in spring, they are easily attracted to summer precipitation and winter frost. Expert HVAC contractors can better contain them in spring when they aren’t up against more elements.

It’s best to conduct routine inspections to catch contaminations early. Vigilance helps contain infestations before they compromise the entire HVAC system.

Do You Have HVAC Troubles?

HVAC systems indicate troubles in various ways. You may hear noises, smell odors, see leaks, feel erratic air quality, or notice inexplicable utility costs. 

Unusual emissions are common indicators. Most homeowners notice them quickly. Still, some underlying issues may lie dormant and require professional attention to pinpoint.

Regular maintenance can resolve most issues. However, fundamental problems warrant costlier repairs. You can avoid extensive do-overs by getting installations right the first time.

Faulty HVAC Installations VS Common HVAC Issues

Common HVAC concerns are related to poor maintenance. When was the last time you had your units cleaned?

Unusual noises and odors may be remedied with a thorough cleaning. However, lingering sounds or smells paired with poor air quality indicate fundamental issues.

HVAC units may be installed improperly, compromising system performance. Unlike maintenance issues, you can’t get rid of faulty installation effects with cleaning and tune-up efforts.

You may notice various indicators of compromised installations through lingering or recurring symptoms. Indicators of faulty installations include but are not limited to these symptoms:

  • Frequent mechanical malfunctions
  • Chronic leaks
  • Lingering foul odors
  • Loud banging and buzzing
  • Poor air distribution
  • Erratic air temperature
  • Unresponsive thermostat controls

Avoid nuisances and hazards by paying attention to system installation. Remember, each unit requires meticulous care.

A single compromised unit impacts your entire HVAC system. Don’t roll the dice on DIY efforts or amateur contractors.

Do You Need the Help of Reputable Contractors in Puyallup, WA?

Opt for ideal weather to conduct HVAC installations. Spring is the most convenient time for replacing your heating system, which may have delivered its last performance during winter.

Spring is also a convenient time to replace cooling systems. This summer, you can avoid mid-season breakdowns by replacing your old worn-out AC system before temperatures start spiking.

Your old reliable HVAC system may still be salvageable! However, only reliable contractors will tell you when your HVAC systems need replacement.

Call Taylor Heating & AC Specialists at (253) 208-5315

Enlist Taylor Heating & AC to conduct comprehensive AC & Heat Pump Diagnostic & Repair. We will give it to you straight and ensure you only pay for the services you need. We’re based in Puyallup, WA, but we also serve the neighboring areas, including DuPont, Olympia, and Steilacoom.

Remember, the integrity of installations can impact your HVAC’s lifetime efficiency and overall durability. We will give AC & Heat Pump Installation & Replacement the undivided attention they require to help you avoid ongoing issues due to faulty HVAC system installations.

Never second-guess your HVAC installations again!

At Taylor Heating & AC, you come first! Our reliable professionals will deploy our effective and patented techniques to conduct HVAC services within reasonable timeframes.

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